Forum Installation

In order to use the forum module, you must be running pMachine Pro.

Step 1

Edit the pm_inc.php file.

Note: This option is only necessary if your script directory is called something other than pm, or if the path needs to be changed.

Located in the forum directory you'll find a file called pm_inc.php. Open it with a text editor and change the default name pm to the name of the directory containing your scripts. You might also need to modify the path in that file.

Step 2

Upload the Installation Script.

Upload the file called install_forum.php into the directory containing your pMachine scripts (the same directory where you access the control panel). By default, this is pm.

Once you've uploaded this file, remove it from the forum directory.

Step 3

Upload the forum directory.

Upload the forum directory and all of its contents into your root weblog directory. It should be put into the same directory containing your various weblog pages (weblog.php, comments.php, archives.php, etc.)

Step 4

Run the Installation Script

Point your browser to the installation file you uploaded in Step 2. This file will configure your new forum. Be sure that you're accessing the file through your webserver and not just loading the file into your web browser locally. Access the file as you would a regular webpage, using an address similar to

Step 5 (optional)

Run the installation script for additional forums ("categories")

If you want to create multiple forums in order to separate your posts into distinct categories, you can run the installation script additional times. Each time you run the installation script it will add one additional forum.

Every additional forum must share the same template as the first one. Therefore, when you run the installation script more than once, you must do the following:

In Addition:
You must open the file called index.php (forum directory) and manually add you new forum categories. There are instructions contained within that file.

Step 6

Delete the Installation Script

Remove install_forum.php from your server to prevent others from accessing it. Keep a copy of the install script on file so that if you need to create additional forums in the future you can do so.

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